Key voices from the health community have been engaged in Farming Future Bangladesh communication and outreach activities. Under this activity, the FFB has engaged the pro-biotech representatives from the medical and health community and mobilized them to write news articles and share science-based credible information.
Nutrition, medical and public health sector officials and stakeholders will be engaged in communication, outreach, and capacity-building programs to convey and amplify messages on Golden Rice and agribiotechnology, focusing on health and nutrition. FFB has partnered with the Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN) and organized a training program with an aim to raise awareness of agri-biotechnology among the nutrition and medical communities. The training, titled “Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building on Applications of Agri-biotechnology for Nutrition and Food Security”, was hosted in collaboration with the Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN). Attendees included, among others, nutrition experts of BIRTAN, representatives of the medical community, and prominent scientists and officials working in the agriculture sector. More than, twenty-five participants and representatives from BIRTAN, Agricultural Policy Support Unit (AFSU), Seed Certification Agency (SCA), Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE); Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation, Horticulture Wing (BADC); International Potato Centre (CIP) and EU SWITCH-Asia II Project, SNV Netherlands Development Organization attended the event.
Health and nutrition community experts will be trained and engaged in the project period. Along with that FFB will collaborate with other partners to engage and educate NGOs/INGOs working on nutrition and public health issues. Key respected voices from the medical and health sectors will be motivated and engaged in writing and publishing op-eds, newspaper articles, blogs, etc., to reach a wider audience.